The beneficial physiological effects of wine have long been known. The so-called French paradox was first observed decades ago and it summarizes the phenomenon that French people who are known to have a diet relatively rich in saturated fats still have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than expected. Wine and grapes contain phenols and various special substances which, when in the body, act similarly to antioxidants protecting our bodies from arteriosclerosis and other diseases. Too much alcohol, however, is harmful so this needs to be removed from the wine so that we can make a product which may be consumed in larger quantities.

I love the product range for several reasons: because I believe in simple ideas and support tasting as many different kinds of wines as possible.

Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized. - Andre Simon

Wine to Eat - Caviars
Wine to Eat - Truffles

The design relies upon building the concept upon its roots since the cork packaging and the tawny base jam make it clear that the product is Portuguese. I have seen a lot of packaging for wine-filled chocolate and jam products but rarely a product line so sophisticated and beautiful.

We don't know if the most important ingredient for Wine To Eat products was all our wine passion or the wish of new experiences. For us, wine is too precious just to be drunk. We want more wine intensity, more wine discoveries. We want colourful spoons and sweet smiles. Go beyond the glass and enjoy the products we passionately create. We promise you truly inspiring wine experiences.

In addition to the glass and cork, the logo also applies the basics and conveys the message in and expressive way: take a spoon and taste me.

Wine to Eat logoWine to Eat

I have found only one flaw on the official website (in the part concerning truffles) where the hand of an enthusiastic magic wand use got out of control and has spoiled the overall impression by the unevenness of the shadows. However, I choose to ignore this, take a spoon and put a smile on my face.

Designed by Barn Studio