The Great Tokaj Wine Auction is about to begin!

The Confrérie de Tokaj is organising the Great Tokaj Wine Auction for the fourth time, but this year the town of Tokaj is providing the venue. On the first day of the three-day series of events, i.e. yesterday, a tour of the Mád vineyards, a wine-tasting masterclass (with dry Tokaj wines from the 2015 vintage), the Mád Circle walk-around tasting, the Tállya wine dinner and Jazz concert (in Tállya) were laid on for visitors. 

Today you can register for the auction at the Tokaj Cultural and Conference Centre from 9.30am and from 10am to midday you can taste the auction lots in the Saint Nicholas (Miklós) Orthodox Temple.

Then you can watch the Confrérie de Tokaj’s inauguration ceremony followed by lunch in the Paulay Ede theatre from 1pm.

Finally the auction will start at 3pm. A committee of experts will select the wines for the auction, thus ensuring that bidders will get the best possible wines for their money. (In 2014, the four-person committee included Nicolas Godebski and Ronn Wiegand MW MS as well as our Editor-in-Chief, Daniel Ercsey! – ed) Following the auction, an exclusive dinner will take place in two venues from 7.30pm.

Tomorrow, on Sunday, you can visit open cellars and wineries; then at midday, Sárga Borház will be serving up a closing lunch for participants.

Following the auction, we will try to interview a successful bidder, if possible.