This wine comes from Hungary, Szekszárd wine region. Szekszárd (with historical old name, Szegzárd), means "closed in ANGLES of rivers and mountains" in Hungarian. If we would like to measure angles, we need a protractor. So the label is a working protractor. The label is a pin icon in its shape also, and it contains the GPS coordinates of the terroir, where the wine was produced. We see a stylized landscpae detail in the corner of the pin icon, this is closed in angles literally, according to the meaning of Szekszárd.

The measure units of the protractor is degree, and the measure unit of the GPS is the same: we can use them to find a place: this label brings us to the exact producing place.

This work was in the finalists, amongst the best 9 in the Cégér design competition.

Designed by Szilvia Tongori
Via: Packaging of the World